
May Day

Photo by PhotoMIX Company on Pexels.com

on the first of May I was wondering what celebrations are people looking forward to this month. back home we have a few that are very important culturally and socially. warm sunny days and best part of spring make it even better.

starting on the labor day this month also features victory day, may 9, and the end of school year, always on may 25. I used to love all the festivities and days off that are not happening in this part of the world. my sister was born in May so we had another reason to eat, drink and be merry.

what do you celebrate in May?

do you have any traditions for the season?



Daily writing prompt
When do you feel most productive?
My daily bread

i feel most productive in the morning , I made bread this a.m., it always feels good to start it right. after a good night of sleep my body and my mind are ready for work, if work doesn’t happen I feel discouraged. work helps me feel better about myself, it brings sense of achievement in my daily routine.

some people feel productive in the evenings, I don’t know how it is even possible. owls hate morning with all the expectations to start the day right. it’s always so strange to me, looks like we humans should have more in common. we all want to produce something wonderful and unique. life is too short to sit around and wait for the sun go down.

having a deadline can motivate us sometimes, other times it’s just a source of stress. working in a team can be a positive or a negative kicker, I feel most productive when working in a good team with people I respect. productivity should be predictable and planned, if you can manage your morning routine you can manage your life. I’m still working on it optimistically, wish me luck!


decisions, decisions…

Daily writing prompt
Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

decisions we make can only be judged later, maybe in fifty to sixty years, I was just kidding… bad decisions are usually the ones that make you learn, and grow… I have made plenty of those, haha can’t take it seriously any more, life is too short to regret all the bad decisions that made me learn, and grow.

the most fascinating realization is not about decisions per se but rather about our attitude towards them. bad decisions help us learn to laugh about those really terrible ones that we never discuss with anyone, even with ourselves.

i own my badly made choices, I’m not going to cry over them or lose my sleep. there is that gambling on a chance that maybe next time I’ll be smarter, maybe, I can’t promise anything.

roughly speaking I have about forty more years for making bad decisions to learn from those. it’s all about education, don’t you think? this is why they call it school of life.

garden, growth, Uncategorized

gardening update

the seeds proved to be still potent, the first ones were lettuce seeds to show up. my students seem to be excited about the progress, I believe it’s my first attempt at gardening so you can imagine my optimism growing every day due to this new beginning. one student asked if we could eat what we grow, and i said, Yes, when they grow a bit bigger…

in a couple of weeks we will plant them outside, the weather seems to be getting warmer and warmer. my only concern is who will harvest them when students and teachers are gone over the summer break? i hope someone will.

summer is the time to be brave and do what you’ve been waiting to do all year long. i don’t know what i am going to get done this warm season but i have plans to be out and about, fingers crossed life will let me get closer to my dreams. national parks are calling and art in the park is as great as ever. i can’t wait to be free.

this week we started the fourth quarter, growing more and more confident with language skills we practice here in class. we are going to talk about family and friends today making family trees and presenting them to peers. seems like this may take more than just one day, good news we still have time to do it. we are going to dream big and grow slow, this is the main thing we are trying to achieve with newcomers.

what is your plan for the spring season?