
decisions, decisions…

Daily writing prompt
Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

decisions we make can only be judged later, maybe in fifty to sixty years, I was just kidding… bad decisions are usually the ones that make you learn, and grow… I have made plenty of those, haha can’t take it seriously any more, life is too short to regret all the bad decisions that made me learn, and grow.

the most fascinating realization is not about decisions per se but rather about our attitude towards them. bad decisions help us learn to laugh about those really terrible ones that we never discuss with anyone, even with ourselves.

i own my badly made choices, I’m not going to cry over them or lose my sleep. there is that gambling on a chance that maybe next time I’ll be smarter, maybe, I can’t promise anything.

roughly speaking I have about forty more years for making bad decisions to learn from those. it’s all about education, don’t you think? this is why they call it school of life.