Ukraine, memories

mother’s day, victory day

in the park of glory in Kyiv, Ukraine

one of my favorite places in Kyiv, it’s all about the city’s participation in the second world war. The place has a really good vibe and makes me think of my grandfather who was a scout during the second world war. I like to think of him as a spy, he was only 18 when the war broke out and when his father was conscripted he said he would go as well. His name is on a few mass graves stones, but he actually survived and saw the victory over the Nazism.

Mikhail Mikhailovich had a great sense of humor, he had a joke on every single occasion. They were so incredibly funny that I still share them sometimes and get an instant reaction. They are the best, so completely shameless.

I wish I could remember all of them, I wish I was better at recording all of them. Maybe someday I will put them together to at least save what’s left.


May Day

Photo by PhotoMIX Company on

on the first of May I was wondering what celebrations are people looking forward to this month. back home we have a few that are very important culturally and socially. warm sunny days and best part of spring make it even better.

starting on the labor day this month also features victory day, may 9, and the end of school year, always on may 25. I used to love all the festivities and days off that are not happening in this part of the world. my sister was born in May so we had another reason to eat, drink and be merry.

what do you celebrate in May?

do you have any traditions for the season?

Eco-friendly, nature

Earth Day, 2024

april 22 is a very special day of the year when we celebrate our common home which we are trying to preserve and appreciate more. we all belong here, we all want to be a part of the community.

on this day people are encouraged to plant a tree, to go on a hike, pick up trash and use more eco friendly options. all the above mentioned is a good plan for every day of the year in my opinion. reduce, reuse, recycle is the rule we teach at schools in an attempt to make it normal for a new generation of people.

  • how do you feel about this 3 Rs rule? many people I know don’t really think it’s a good practice because having the means to buy and consume is something they always wanted to do. so it’s a very sensitive issue.

we only have one planet we have to take care of, do you think we can handle that?

shared habitat is somewhat a challenge, we have to learn how to coexist, share and care. as long as we live we keep learning…

dream, happiness, meditation, mindfulness, Uncategorized

Chasing a dream

Pursuing life goals is supposed to be a great adventure: when you are a kid you dream about finishing school and living on your own. And sooner or later there you are, all grown up taking risks and making all those adult decisions. It feels like you are finally there, achieving your goals and becoming a successful individual. Why is it so unfulfilling to be everything you wanted to be? Apparently, we need to open new horizons every day, the ones from last week are no good any more. Isn’t it the saddest realization you have ever had? Learning something new every day can be helpful buy it’s not always the answer, the answer is a bit harder to find. It could be so close and so easy you won’t even consider it. Being busy dreaming big we sometimes overlook the tiniest details that make up our day. And this is where the solution might be discovered – in trifles. Maybe you thought about it before, maybe not that starting a new day right can make your whole week so much more enjoyable and meaningful. Unfortunately, we as individuals want to be always happy while sometimes it doesn’t hurt to cry and be sad with or without a reason. It’s okay to look back and see your mistakes that sometimes help us learn and sometimes don’t. It’s totally fine to realize how imperfect you or your partner are, keep in mind that no one is perfect. It’s not the end of the world to find yourself in the mid life crisis, so many people got over it at some point. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and, yes, the grass is always greener, don’t forget to check it out yourself.