nature, Photography

hiking to the falls

Beauty everywhere
Golden hour
Catching the sun
What is blooming?
Nice view
See the people?

the hike was way beyond my hiking abilities yet I made it there, barely. the view was totally worth it and the light was amazingly beautiful. Oregon has a lot of waterfalls with not much hiking required, yet we chose this one to get the medal for surviving incredible hardship and pain.

garden, growth, Uncategorized

gardening update

the seeds proved to be still potent, the first ones were lettuce seeds to show up. my students seem to be excited about the progress, I believe it’s my first attempt at gardening so you can imagine my optimism growing every day due to this new beginning. one student asked if we could eat what we grow, and i said, Yes, when they grow a bit bigger…

in a couple of weeks we will plant them outside, the weather seems to be getting warmer and warmer. my only concern is who will harvest them when students and teachers are gone over the summer break? i hope someone will.

summer is the time to be brave and do what you’ve been waiting to do all year long. i don’t know what i am going to get done this warm season but i have plans to be out and about, fingers crossed life will let me get closer to my dreams. national parks are calling and art in the park is as great as ever. i can’t wait to be free.

this week we started the fourth quarter, growing more and more confident with language skills we practice here in class. we are going to talk about family and friends today making family trees and presenting them to peers. seems like this may take more than just one day, good news we still have time to do it. we are going to dream big and grow slow, this is the main thing we are trying to achieve with newcomers.

what is your plan for the spring season?

garden, growth

new start for newcomers

today we have started a garden with my students, they put the seeds in soil and watered them. very humble beginning of a big project we are joining. the school got the grant for land conservation, so it’s pretty incredible that we can be a part of this labor of love. we have a few raised flower beds and are looking to add more. Today we planted seeds to grow cilantro, bell peppers, basil and lettuce. we could potentially grow other vegetables as well, they say tomatoes and strawberries, technically those are fruits but we could still grow them here in Oregon.


my students in the newcomer center are learning English and integrating into a new culture. they are all very different yet united by the same goal. beautiful young people full of hope and optimism. after finishing high school they have to start a new adventure in the new country they now live in. I am wishing them the best of luck!

  • what are you looking to grow?
nature, Photography, poetry

Rainy Forest Park

the weather is rainy, all smells are so strong

i walk thru the forest, I am feeling alone

i wonder if anyone noticed the fog

i am leaping thru puddles, a white happy dog,

all smells are so potent, all water is good,

i am feeling the magic of green in the wood.

More water please
Mighty and strong
Grow where you are rooted
nature, Photography


green is my inspiration, it’s more than a color, it’s a foundation, promoting creation, composing sensation.

Teacup Nordic snow park
Home grown
Bamboo garden
Resilient river plant
Blooming bush
Patch of green
Still there since 1942
Color of the day
Grow, baby grow
Emerald water never still

how many shades of green? how often do you dream? you may fly or you may swim, can’t escape this golden mean.