nature, Photography

hiking to the falls

Beauty everywhere
Golden hour
Catching the sun
What is blooming?
Nice view
See the people?

the hike was way beyond my hiking abilities yet I made it there, barely. the view was totally worth it and the light was amazingly beautiful. Oregon has a lot of waterfalls with not much hiking required, yet we chose this one to get the medal for surviving incredible hardship and pain.

nature, Photography

Best of March, 2024

Hiking was definitely number one cool thing that happened over the last four weeks. Nature is giving so much without asking for anything in return. I feel like it’s a great lesson. I’m so blessed to be in the Pacific Northwest, with all the natural wonders of the United States presented.

More nature pictures from mt st Helens, the volcano in Washington, above California.

silver spring surrounded by all the green

Panorama from the visitor center, mt st Helens

this is from the neighbor’s garden, blue and bright

sunny day in downtown Portland, on the way to cherry blossoms at the waterfront.

hawthorne bridge at night, walking home from the concert under the bridge, it’s a local venue

cooking at home, baked peppers stuffed with caso wrapped in turkey bacon.

yellow magnolia bloom in town, rare kind

familiar pink beauty before leaves appear

Sculpture Garden near the freeway, my birthday celebration choice in mid March.

in the garden pond these guys celebrated mating season, they are newts (salamanders) of Oregon

on the coast feeling like a toast.

too much sun on my morning run,

dressed in black, have to go back…

spring is green, plants are fresh,

nice and serene, at the garden stash

  • the book recommendation is A Mindful Way: eight weeks to Happiness by J. Seward-Magee
  • the movie I recommend to watch is ‘Perfect Days’ (2023), absolutely worth your time.

How did your March go? What was the best about it?