travel, Uncategorized, wonderlust


IMG_20190101_065308604.jpgIn the capital of art and fashion there are many free or almost free things to do and see. If you are rich enough to buy a ticket here, you can find ways to make it happen. The city has an atmosphere of adventure and everyone feels it once they are in Paris.

IMG_20190101_091856119Love is in the air even in the middle of winter which is really mild in this part of the world. It rains but not terribly so. Umbrella and waterproof shoes might come in handy.

IMG_20190102_033424470Walking along the streets you can hear all kind of languages. Great variety of food is offered at every corner, quality is quite high and prices are not bad if you are willing to wander off the beaten track. Supermarkets are awesome, Airbnb is super helpful, walking most places is totally doable if you are centrally located.

IMG_20190102_095228_107All in all, this city is worth a visit. The only concern is there are too many tourists all year round. Great experience is guaranteed if you read up a bit before you go. People are really nice and helpful, try to speak a bit of French and most doors will be open for you. Dream big!


holiday, inspiration, Uncategorized

Beach holiday

IMG_20181226_081331722.jpgThe best way to spend your Christmas break is to have a beach Holiday with family, right? I never thought about it before but this year it happened, and I’m glad it did. So nice to be in the place where people don’t speak your native language and don’t care about cultural threats you would worry if you were at home. It’s so liberating when you don’t have to impress your neighbors or friends with the fancy decor and the greatest Christmas tree they have seen. It’s nice to know people will forgive you any social fax paus because you are foreign. Also every time you travel, you stop worrying about saving money, since nobody goes on a trip with this kind of intentions. I have never been to France but luckily the invitation was there and we just did it because why not. If you are still hesitant, do not procrastinate any longer, it’s time for a major leap – just do it!
